Monday, August 23, 2010

Gashora,Rwanda: August 2010 - Construction Days are over.

Yesterday we finished the construction of the terrace. We pushed hard and thanks to our Rwandan friends who also worked very hard we got it done. It looks great and we are very proud of what we accomplished. It was a lot of picking, shoveling, wheel barrowing, and stone work. And it looks great!

We celebrated with a beer as a team at a local establishment which was fitting.

We then observed the donation of a cow and scholarship money by Melissa and Ryan to the women of the Co operative. They were very surprised and happy. This donation was the result of Melissa and Ryan selling baskets and raising money all year. It was very emotional and a wonderful gift that will keep giving.

We are all very tired and looking forward to some time off. Though we are tired and sore we have no regrets and would do it again. We now look forward to some good work in Uganda.

Michael Loeters

DWC Participant

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