Monday, August 22, 2016

August 20: Akagera National Park

Safari day!

Impressions of blue sky, red dirt hills, a dirt track through the scrubby forest - red dusty roads, baboons walking around like they owned the place, little wart hogs scampering with tails held high. 

And then giraffes - an undulating walk, so slow and immense. Hippos in the water, the mother pushing her baby away from us, protective.

A moon, big and round, blessing the land. An openness, spaciousness, rightness to the feel here. Warm air, oh it is so relaxing to be in this temperature zone, feeling held by the warmth of the air. What on earth are we Canadians doing, contracting with the cold, bracing ourselves against the chill?

Park lodge on the crest of the ridge - a long view down to the lake, kilometres away, stretching out of view to the right and the left. Oh what a place! 

Luinda Bleackley
DWC volunteer
Rwanda, August 2016

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